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There are 1 results of your search for bung fritz.

bung fritz

noun a type of fritz (sausage).
Contributor's comments: Never heard it called "Bung" Fritz. Always only "Fritz". The word "Bung" was used in conjunction with "Hole" as an aid to causing constipation when talking about cheese.

Contributor's comments: Not to be confused with ordinary fritz which comes pre-sliced from the smallgoods section of the supermarket.

Contributor's comments: 'Bung Fritz' is a style of fritz that has an orange skin, and no other packaging (like a sausage). Bung fritz would be more common in a butchers shop. There is another style of fritz that has a plastic 'skin' which replaces the orange skin. This fritz would be more common in a supermarket.

Contributor's comments: "Bung fritz" is definitely used in SA, esp up north where I came from. My grandfather used to rave about it.

Contributor's comments: Growing up in country South Australia in the 1970s, I heard the words 'fritz' and 'bung fritz' used interchangeably (although the short-hand 'fritz' was used more commonly)

Contributor's comments: The words "Bung Fritz" is used in SA as a term for the fritz with an orange coating, sold in Butchers and some supermarkets...specifically butcher Fritz.

Contributor's comments: I have certainly heard of "bung" fritz - it is the fritz which has a natural casing (orange in colour), most often seen hanging in a traditional butcher's shop, and used to distinguish from the plastic wrapped type of sausage which although called fritz is not the real "bung" fritz. When you go into the butcher's shop you can ask for the whole bung of the fritz, or just a piece. When I was young, all children were given a piece of fritz by the butcher when they went into the shop with their parent(s). Our local (Adelaide metro area) butcher still does this. I have also heard the term "bung hole", but consider this to be a different usage from "bung" fritz.

Contributor's comments: I have heard fritz referred to as bung fritz. Why 'bung' I don't know. We usually just call it fritz and have since I was a child.

Contributor's comments: I'm from NSW and have recently moved to Mt Gambier, in the South East of South Australia. Here they call Devon - Bung Fritz, not just Fritz.

Contributor's comments: Mmmm fritz. I think the product is unique to South Australia. I grew up there in the 70s and the butcher always gave me a slice of fritz while mum was placing her order. The similar devon found here in NSW is a different product and not fit for dogs. When I reached my mid-teens, I had a boyfriend who was an apprentice butcher. He told me all about making fritz and I haven't touched it since.

Contributor's comments: Bung fritz was the 'proper fritz' found in the butcher, covered in an orange skin rather than the plastic more commonly found these days. The butcher always offered a slice to the kids.

Contributor's comments: Bung fritz usually refers to the sausage produced in butchers; it usually has an orange skin and comes in large coils tied with twine. The term bung being used to diferentiate it from the inferior mass produced fritz which looks like dog sausage. Have yet to find bung fritz outside of South Australia and Alice Springs.

Contributor's comments: Always just known as fritz for short but "real" fritz was the type with orange skin. The only place I've seen it named as bung fritz is at Woolies and only stocked in SA. Similar, but not as nice items include devon, luncheon meat, strassburg, etc. Can also be bought as smiley fritz or enjoyed as fried fritz.